


WebGPU TurboWarp Extension 2024

I made a video about this. Still hasn’t been merged yet, but above is a link to the PR.

PYSToL browser extension 2024

An epic browser extension that Purges Youtube Suggestions (Totally Legit). It’s easy to get lost in the catalogue of interesting videos that youtube feeds you. PYSToL eliminates that temptation.

AI simley face recogniser 2023

My first successful AI project. Wrote the algorithms in JS and trained it myself with data I created. Discerns whether your drawing as a smiley face or a frowny face.

Minecraft Mythical Potato Mod 2021

I’ve got a couple of videos about it on youtube.

ZBot the Discord bot 2021

The Discord bot in my old server. Back when I used Discord.


Skuare old, but remade in 2023

A puzzle game. I bet you can’t beat size 10. 2018-2021

Scratch ancient